Monday, September 20, 2010

Big Breakfast

One cup of hot nescafe plus roti jala with chicken curry as a breakfast really make my day. Best!! Unfortunately, I was breakfast alone. Hubby already gone to work.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Long Lost Passion!!!

NOVELS!! That's what my passion is all about..I used to like novels very much ever since my secondary school. Started with Malay novels and then move to English novels. Gosh, I can't even realize when did I stop reading them. .A rediscovery of this long lost passion started last few weeks when I borrowed novels from my sis-in law. The book is old but the content is superb!

Author: Belva Plain - First time I read her novel. I love it so much. Will look forward another novels from her.

Hope this time i'll keep this passion for a very long-long time because in fact I do have so many time to read now..Hehehe

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cooking My style : Kuih Ketayap Dan Ayam Goreng Kunyit

Masakan kali ini adalah berdasarkan apa yang ada kat dapur. Cuma disebabkan teringin nak makan kuih ketayap, jadi ke kedai la sekejap untuk beli kelapa parut. Kaau di Taiping, boleh kata semua kedai runcit ada jual kelapa parut. Tapi dekat Kota Damansara ni, kedai tertentu je yang ada jual, maklum la kat Taiping kalau nak santan mesti nak yang asli tapi kat sini orang selesa pakai santan serbuk ataupun santan yang dalam kotak. Lebih mudah dan cepat. Cuma rase nyer tak boleh lawan yang asli la.

Kuih Ketayap-Cara Saya

Untuk buat kuih ketayap cara saya memang mudah. Bahan2 pun yang simple ajer. Mula-mula sekali kena la buat inti kelapa. 

Kuih Ketayap

Bahan Inti

1/2 biji kelapa parut
2 sudu besar gula merah
2 sudu besar gula
sedikit air

Bahan Kulit

1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1 biji telur
sedikit pewarna hijau

Mula2 sekali, inti akan dimasak terlebih dahulu. Masukkan kesemua bahan inti ke dalam periuk dan masak dalam api sederhana. Kacau rata hingga sebati.

Untuk kulitnya, bancuh tepung dan bahan2 yang lain seolah-olah nak buat Lempeng cuma kena pastikan bancuhan tersebut lebih cair dari lempeng. Gunakan blender supaya bancuhan tepung menjadi halus. Dadarkan nipis-nipis dalam kuali yang diletakkan sedikit minyak masak. Setelah bahagian kulit menjadi masak dan agak kering, boleh la diangkat dan diletakkan inti. Gulung kemas dan siap untuk dihidangkan.

Ayam Goreng Kunyit

Untuk ayam goreng kunyit pun saya gunakan bahan2 yang dah sedia ada dalam peti ais. Walaupun bahan tak banyak, yang penting suamiku makan nasi tetap bertambah..hehehe. Pada saya, memasak di rumah tak semesti nya kena ada segala bahan2 macam yang digunakan kat hotel2 dan restaurant. Yang paling penting, secukup rasa.

Ayam Goreng Kunyit-Cara Saya
Ayam dipotong kecil2 (nak lagi mudah beli chicken filet kat Giant)
1 sudu serbuk kunyit
1 biji bawang merah (besar sikt) - potongan pun kena agak tebal
1biji lobak merak- potong panjang
kobis bunga

Mula-mula sekali, gaul ayam dengan kunyit dan garam. Goreng ayam tersebut menggunakan minyak yang agak banyak. Goreng sehingga agak2 garing, kemudian masukkan pula lobak merah dan kobis bunga. Bila lobak merah dan kobis bunga dah lembut, bolehlah dimasukkan bawang merah. Sayuran tidak perlu terlalu masak untuk mengekalkan khasiat yang terdapat dalam sayuran tersebut..mudah saja kan. Dah siap untuk dihidangkan.

Ini masakan CARA SAYA, orang lain mungkin lain caranya. Yang penting, kita happy..hooray!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

6 months - Mia my Baby

Mia is now 6 months old.. I am lucky as my eyes could see every growth she made day by day..That's a wonderful thing when you are full-time mummy..Actually, I wanted to start working again, to achieve my dream career ever. But at the same time, I don't want to lose watching my baby grow. Well, so far, I never feel regret to put aside my career ...At least, for this very moment..I am happy watching her growth. Below are baby’s 6 months developments.

  • Grabbing, Shaking and Holding - It is easy to notice Baby's big movements as he sits, rolls over, and lifts his arms to be picked up. There are some equally important smaller movements that you may be observing too.

He is learning how to use his fingers, individually and together. He has already learned that they can be used to bat at things, hold and shake different objects, and bring interesting toys to his mouth. Now, watch as he learns they can be used as a tool to pick up very small objects.

By now, baby's eyesight has improved and is sharp—he can even see a raisin across the floor. You may see him using his hand like a rake over small objects. He may be trying to use his thumb and second and third fingers together to pick up these small objects—developing his pincer grasp. Most babies do not perfect this skill for a couple more months, but this raises the topic of safety. You must now be very careful of all small objects in his reach and make the time to baby proof.

While babies have perfected how to hold onto objects, they are just learning about letting go. Maybe you've seen your baby pick up an object and transfer it back and forth from one hand to the other. Again, manipulating the fingers to maneuver small objects is a skill that will continue to develop over the next few months.

· First Real Babbles - Many babies start to babble around the sixth month. You may even hear the long awaited, "mamamama" or "dadadada" Often, Baby says, "dadadada" first. It has no reflection upon whether baby wants to acknowledge Dad or Mom first. Baby will take his time trying to pronounce a variety of different babbles. He'll probably stick with one set for a while and then discover another.

Most parents ask if a baby is just making sounds or if he is calling out to his parents. He likely doesn't make the connection with the sound and the person just yet, but keep responding and repeating these sounds back. Pretty soon, he'll be calling out for you, specifically.

Mia babbles start with “mamamama”, sometimes its slow but sometimes so loud especially when we were in shopping complex…I think she kind of like people attentions towards her..hehehe

· ResponsBy now, your baby recognizes and responds to his name. He may understand quite a bit of what you're saying, so keep talking. Tell him about the problem you're having with your boss. (Keep it clean, though!) Ask him to stick his "arms" into the sleeves of his "shirt." Spoon feed him his "mashed potatoes" before sprinkling some "peas" on his highchair tray. Just don't count on the TV to teach your baby language. True, people talk on TV, but person-to-person interaction seems to be a key part of language development.

Talk a little slower than normal when speaking to your baby (to help him separate out words) and avoid confusing pronouns. At this age, it's perfectly OK to say, "That's Joey's toy," instead of "that’s your toy." He’ll figure out pronouns sometime around agree three.

Mia's can now recognizes and response to her name. Whenever I called her name, she will surely look at me..if I smile, she will also smile..if I didn't, she will only stare blankly to me..hehehe..From my reading, 6 months old baby may understand quite a bit of what we are saying. This is so true with Mia.. When I say no, she stop on whatever she's doing..because my Mia is so curious..she like to touch and hold something which I think she supposed not to... I bought so many toys and yet, she prefer my keyboard, my remote control, boxes, my keys...


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cooking My Style : Cucur Badak

Dari resepi kat bawah ni dapat menghasilkan lebih kurang 15 biji cucur badak. Saya ngan hubby sekali ngap je 15 biji ni..betapa kami berdua terer makan..hehe

Bahan Kulit
1 biji ubi keledek ( sederhana besar)
Tepung gandum

Mula-mula sekali rebus ubi keledek dengan air. Letakkan sedikit garam. Masak sehingga empuk. Untuk tahu empuk atau tidak, cuba cucuk dengan garpu. Kalau  bila dicucuk, ubi agak lembut insyaallah, dah empuk la tu. Selepas itu, lenyek ubi keledek sementara ia masih panas. Saya biasanya guna lesung batu sebab lesung batu ni berat, Jadi kerja-kerja melenyek ni mudah sangat.

Apabila ubi keledek telah siap dilenyek, boleh lah dicampurkan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit. Tambahkan sedikit garam ke dalam adunan.  Dan adunan pula jangan lah  terlampau lembik atau keras. Ketepikan sebentar setelah selesai.

Bahan Inti

1/3 biji kelapa parut
1/2 cawan udang kering
1 biji bawang besar
2 batang serai
1 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk
5 tangkai cili kering (ikut kepedasan masing2)
1 sudu besar minyak masak
Garam dan gula

Blender udang kering, bawang, serai dan cili kering. Setelah agak halus masukkan kelapa parut dan diblender bersama.Kelapa parut tidak perlu terlalu halus. Yang penting kelapa parut dah bercampur sebati dengan bahan-bahan lain. Selepas itu panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan masukkan semua bahan yang telah diblender. Jangan lupa masukkan juga kunyit, garam dan gula kedalam kuali. Masak sehingga inti kering sedikit.

Akhir sekali, ambil adunan tadi dan buat bentuk bulat dan leper. Kemudian letakkan inti di tengah-tengah. Setelah selesai bentukkan adunan bulat-bulat. Kemudian boleh lah digoreng dia atas api sederhana besar. Dan siap dihidang. Best dimakan bersama-sama nescafe panas..Fuh!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cooking My Style : Roti Bakar + Cheese Soup

This is my Hubby's favourite breakfast.. Sebab utamanya ialah cheese..."cis, tu je yang abg suka"..hahaha..Dan yang paling penting cheese soup ni senang sangat nak sediakan..Tapi kalau kat kedai dia letak daun pudina sebagai hiasan. Takda la nampak putih semata macam ni.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fifth month - Mia my baby

Mia is now 5++ month old. God!!..time is running way too fast.. seems like yesterday i gave birth to this you might wonder where is Mia, well Mia is now taking her afternoon nap..or otherwise i can't be here.Hehehe..Through my reading, Mia's development is so far so good. Below are some of my reading if you might thinking and wondering what are the development for 5 month old babies.

  • Sounds and bubbles - baby has discovered many sounds that she can make with her tongue and lips. You may observe her delighting in bubbles and razzing sounds, sometimes even as she drinks or eats. These sounds may make you laugh or turn away. She is exploring what sounds she can make, and you probably hear the same sounds over and over.
Early morning, it's not alarm who wake us up..but Mia's loud that makes us awake..hehehe.. should thanks Mia for this..During playtime, she always make funny and freak sound. Now, I can recognize the sound when her mood is good or bad..i like to hear those bad mood sound..hahaha..don't confuse..its not a crying sound ya..
  • Sense of humor - Another precious sound often heard around this time is baby's laugh. Without knowing, you may do something silly that tickles her funny bone and out come the first chuckles. These are priceless sounds that most parents want to hear again and again. Your wandering fingers all over her pudgy belly, accompanied by the inevitable parental "gitchee-gitchee-goo" are bound to entice more giggles. Another way to make a baby laugh is to laugh back at her jokes. If she thinks you or she has done something especially silly, laugh with her. There is always time for a few shared belly laughs with your baby.

    Does your baby smile when you sneeze? Perhaps because of the funny sound or the contorted expression on your face. If you repeat the sound that you just made, "Ha-Choo," it sounds a lot like a popular vowel-consonant combination of babies, "Ah-Goo." Some babies repeat this sound over and over. Say it back. She'll love the attention and think she is having an important conversation. Try to figure out if she is using a particular sound when she is hungry, tired, or wants to play. These are important sounds and she is learning how to use to tell you what she needs.'s all's all what happen with Mia..either we sneeze or cough, she will laugh..but there something weird about Mia..She likes loud and sudden sound.. she will shocked at first and then laugh..What laaa.

  • Physical development - Around this time, a lot of babies enjoy being put into a sitting position. Baby loves this vantage point as she can watch her own body and all the interesting things around her. She probably has a somewhat curved back and may put her hands in front of her to prop herself up. She is getting stronger every day.

    Occasionally she may straighten up or let go of one hand to grab a toy. You may want to surround her with soft cushions in case she topples over. She will be thrilled when you sit beside her. Watch how proud she is to be in the same position as her parents. Now she is ready for sitting in the high chair and joining the family at meals. This is a major accomplishment that makes a baby feel like part of the family.
Mia always love sitting or standing position. But of course me or husband need to hold her.. tired because when standing, she is so active..turn here and there, try to grab things.. well, that's my Mia. If you hold her to stand or sit quietly, she will make a bad mood sound..hehehe

Diaper change time is the most struggle moments as now Mia is mastering the art of rolling over, kind of martial art she I've learnt a Kung Fu's techniques to make her stay..hahaha


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Long time no write

It's amazing how time flies,huh? i am really a horrible blog-keeper, right? well,admitted. Hehehe.. So much has been going on and i'm going to try to summarize my life to all of you up here. There is so much happiness, so much fun and yet so much painful i faced since my last post here. But don't worry. Fun + Happiness - Painful= Neutral...Gladly, i have a normal life.

Below are my life in bullet point(easy way to summarize)

  • A new chapter in my life. 19 Jan 2010 is the date when i feel so much pain but ended with so much happiness. Yes..Pain of childbirth will be recover as soon as you see the cutest face on earth. Trust me..because its happen to doubt..Little angel name is Damia Husna..Means "most beautiful wisdom" . The moment I saw her..feel so relief..Her little face, little toes, little fingers..hehehe..That moment I was thinking.."hah, this is the one who always kick my tummy from I know her are so naughty inside there"..hehehe. Anyway, million of thanks to Hospital Pusrawi, Kota Damansara esp Dr Zulkhairi. At first,I was hesitated because he's a male doctor but hubby was so calm..saying no gender differences only how they treat their patients besides hubby was all the time right beside me. Start from the antenatal check-up to giving birth, my husband is always with me. By the way,Dr Zul deserved appreciation from my family for his kindness and a very comfortable environment he gave us. Credit to Dr Zul..and not to forget to Mr Zulkarnain Jamali. Thank you for being there and making it less painful for me.

  • 9 Feb 2010 my little angel, Mia..was admitted at Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak An-Nur, Bangi and only discharged 4 days later which is on 13 Feb 2010. Reason..flu and cough. Her Paed, Dr Siti Arbaiyah was worried because Mia is a newborn baby which is only 21 days.. so they want to closely monitor her simptom as they afraid it became worst or even affected by asthma. Luckily, Mia is now so so healthy..& may she maintain healthy forever n ever..hehehe..I cried a lot during those 4 poor my little angel..Husband was so kind to take 1 single deluxe room at Hospital An-Nur for me as to be near to our baby and also because i am still under confinement period. Mia was warded at Special Care Nursery which is I was so lucky as it is the same level with my room..All the nurses at this level already know me since I always passing through their area..I make some friend there too..Hmm, whatever it is, i pray hard that Mia will never ever has to come back here.

  • 3 March 2010 was a last day of my confinement..But I still 'pantang' on certain food such as yam,"pucuk rebung", young coconut and definitely no-no to ice...well to what elders always said as to maintain youthful looks we must sacrifice certain desire..hehehe..sure i want to look young forever,aren't we? Confinement is super important to allows the body heal after pregnancy, of course..Personally, for me..confinement is not that bad..because we will having a very good rest time for 44 days after the struggle of giving birth and the 9 months challenging journey..the only thing that I do during my confinement period is all about my own health and take care of my baby.. Things like massage, hot stone (tungku), body's wrap (barut) and herbal bath is something new to me and yet still ok la with me..During those time, my mother even not allowed me to sweep the floor :) n definitely most of the time i was in front of tv..hahaha..about the food, well i am not big i'm ok with the foods..

  • 30 March 2010 I had infected by chicken pox..poor me..i was not allowed to touch Mia until the red rash with blister's take about 7-8 days..huhuhu..when Mia is around , i wear mask to avoid Mia from getting infected by me..I was damn worried..not about me..but Mia..she still a baby..poor her if she get infected..

  • 16 April 2010 Husband also infected..adohai..but it's took longer for him to recover..the scar until now in June is so obvious..maybe because his skin is fair so the scar looks this way..maybe..He get MC around 10 days..But he is now ok with polka dot body..hahaha..don't worry hubby, in my eyes you are still sexy as sexy leopard...Grrrr..hahaha