Monday, June 28, 2010

Fifth month - Mia my baby

Mia is now 5++ month old. God!!..time is running way too fast.. seems like yesterday i gave birth to this you might wonder where is Mia, well Mia is now taking her afternoon nap..or otherwise i can't be here.Hehehe..Through my reading, Mia's development is so far so good. Below are some of my reading if you might thinking and wondering what are the development for 5 month old babies.

  • Sounds and bubbles - baby has discovered many sounds that she can make with her tongue and lips. You may observe her delighting in bubbles and razzing sounds, sometimes even as she drinks or eats. These sounds may make you laugh or turn away. She is exploring what sounds she can make, and you probably hear the same sounds over and over.
Early morning, it's not alarm who wake us up..but Mia's loud that makes us awake..hehehe.. should thanks Mia for this..During playtime, she always make funny and freak sound. Now, I can recognize the sound when her mood is good or bad..i like to hear those bad mood sound..hahaha..don't confuse..its not a crying sound ya..
  • Sense of humor - Another precious sound often heard around this time is baby's laugh. Without knowing, you may do something silly that tickles her funny bone and out come the first chuckles. These are priceless sounds that most parents want to hear again and again. Your wandering fingers all over her pudgy belly, accompanied by the inevitable parental "gitchee-gitchee-goo" are bound to entice more giggles. Another way to make a baby laugh is to laugh back at her jokes. If she thinks you or she has done something especially silly, laugh with her. There is always time for a few shared belly laughs with your baby.

    Does your baby smile when you sneeze? Perhaps because of the funny sound or the contorted expression on your face. If you repeat the sound that you just made, "Ha-Choo," it sounds a lot like a popular vowel-consonant combination of babies, "Ah-Goo." Some babies repeat this sound over and over. Say it back. She'll love the attention and think she is having an important conversation. Try to figure out if she is using a particular sound when she is hungry, tired, or wants to play. These are important sounds and she is learning how to use to tell you what she needs.'s all's all what happen with Mia..either we sneeze or cough, she will laugh..but there something weird about Mia..She likes loud and sudden sound.. she will shocked at first and then laugh..What laaa.

  • Physical development - Around this time, a lot of babies enjoy being put into a sitting position. Baby loves this vantage point as she can watch her own body and all the interesting things around her. She probably has a somewhat curved back and may put her hands in front of her to prop herself up. She is getting stronger every day.

    Occasionally she may straighten up or let go of one hand to grab a toy. You may want to surround her with soft cushions in case she topples over. She will be thrilled when you sit beside her. Watch how proud she is to be in the same position as her parents. Now she is ready for sitting in the high chair and joining the family at meals. This is a major accomplishment that makes a baby feel like part of the family.
Mia always love sitting or standing position. But of course me or husband need to hold her.. tired because when standing, she is so active..turn here and there, try to grab things.. well, that's my Mia. If you hold her to stand or sit quietly, she will make a bad mood sound..hehehe

Diaper change time is the most struggle moments as now Mia is mastering the art of rolling over, kind of martial art she I've learnt a Kung Fu's techniques to make her stay..hahaha


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