Monday, August 16, 2010

6 months - Mia my Baby

Mia is now 6 months old.. I am lucky as my eyes could see every growth she made day by day..That's a wonderful thing when you are full-time mummy..Actually, I wanted to start working again, to achieve my dream career ever. But at the same time, I don't want to lose watching my baby grow. Well, so far, I never feel regret to put aside my career ...At least, for this very moment..I am happy watching her growth. Below are baby’s 6 months developments.

  • Grabbing, Shaking and Holding - It is easy to notice Baby's big movements as he sits, rolls over, and lifts his arms to be picked up. There are some equally important smaller movements that you may be observing too.

He is learning how to use his fingers, individually and together. He has already learned that they can be used to bat at things, hold and shake different objects, and bring interesting toys to his mouth. Now, watch as he learns they can be used as a tool to pick up very small objects.

By now, baby's eyesight has improved and is sharp—he can even see a raisin across the floor. You may see him using his hand like a rake over small objects. He may be trying to use his thumb and second and third fingers together to pick up these small objects—developing his pincer grasp. Most babies do not perfect this skill for a couple more months, but this raises the topic of safety. You must now be very careful of all small objects in his reach and make the time to baby proof.

While babies have perfected how to hold onto objects, they are just learning about letting go. Maybe you've seen your baby pick up an object and transfer it back and forth from one hand to the other. Again, manipulating the fingers to maneuver small objects is a skill that will continue to develop over the next few months.

· First Real Babbles - Many babies start to babble around the sixth month. You may even hear the long awaited, "mamamama" or "dadadada" Often, Baby says, "dadadada" first. It has no reflection upon whether baby wants to acknowledge Dad or Mom first. Baby will take his time trying to pronounce a variety of different babbles. He'll probably stick with one set for a while and then discover another.

Most parents ask if a baby is just making sounds or if he is calling out to his parents. He likely doesn't make the connection with the sound and the person just yet, but keep responding and repeating these sounds back. Pretty soon, he'll be calling out for you, specifically.

Mia babbles start with “mamamama”, sometimes its slow but sometimes so loud especially when we were in shopping complex…I think she kind of like people attentions towards her..hehehe

· ResponsBy now, your baby recognizes and responds to his name. He may understand quite a bit of what you're saying, so keep talking. Tell him about the problem you're having with your boss. (Keep it clean, though!) Ask him to stick his "arms" into the sleeves of his "shirt." Spoon feed him his "mashed potatoes" before sprinkling some "peas" on his highchair tray. Just don't count on the TV to teach your baby language. True, people talk on TV, but person-to-person interaction seems to be a key part of language development.

Talk a little slower than normal when speaking to your baby (to help him separate out words) and avoid confusing pronouns. At this age, it's perfectly OK to say, "That's Joey's toy," instead of "that’s your toy." He’ll figure out pronouns sometime around agree three.

Mia's can now recognizes and response to her name. Whenever I called her name, she will surely look at me..if I smile, she will also smile..if I didn't, she will only stare blankly to me..hehehe..From my reading, 6 months old baby may understand quite a bit of what we are saying. This is so true with Mia.. When I say no, she stop on whatever she's doing..because my Mia is so curious..she like to touch and hold something which I think she supposed not to... I bought so many toys and yet, she prefer my keyboard, my remote control, boxes, my keys...


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