Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mee Bandung Muar Asli

My hubby's favourite, Mee Bandung Muar.. so i'm doing favor for him yesterday.. Hope he like it. Thanks to Recipe..this is the third time i prepared Mee Bandung Muar using their recepi..The result..memang marvelous..Hehehe..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dinner For Tonight

Luckily me and hubby are not rice-addict, so for tonight's dinner i had prepared Roti Jala to be eaten together with Sardine Curry.

There is some leftover of curry which my hubby said he want to finish it for supper. He want to eat it with Gardenia Bread.. Whatever..Hmm, no wonder his tummy is almost the same size of mine (7 months pregnant).Hehehe. He always angry when i say this..ya la, not actually same size, but still buncit what!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tea time - Cucur Labu

Semalam, sementara tunggu hubby balik dari Office, saya sempat buat cucur labu..sangat senang & mudah..Hubby pun suka, eventhough mula2 dia cakap tak makan labu.Hehehe..(My hubby ni species yang sangat pelik: sayur tak makan, hotdog tak makan, laksa tak makan..dan macam2 lagi yang dia tak makan. Rugi je jadi orang malaysia!)

Resepi nyer mudah saja bagi saya:

1) Labu(buang kulit & rebus sampai empuk)-Kuantiti,agak2 berapa banyak kita nak
2) Tepung Gandum
3) Sedikit garam, gula dan air
4) Minyak-mengoreng

Labu yang telah direbus tadi dilenyek2. Cara yang sama untuk buat cucur pisang. Then, add all the others ingredients, kacau sebati..taraaaa...dah boleh goreng..Simple kan?

Hubby sampai je rumah, saya dah panaskan kuali and terus goreng.Makan panas2 tambah plak ngan air nescafe, memang best.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Expecting our baby!

*Picture: Some of the things that we already bought.

As first time parents(now I'm 30 weeks), my hubby and I have started to hunt for all essentials things for our baby. We went for shopping at One Utama last saturday.Looking at Children Dept (Jaya Jusco), I've became totally crazy arghhhhh!!!.Hubby jeling-jeling sampai juling. Hehehe. All the things there look sooo damn cute . But as my mother always say "jangan over excited sangat. Beli yang mana nak guna je" (lebih kurang macam ni la ayat dia). So we bought things which we considered the most important items( newborn checklist) such as:

1)Baby blanket
2)Clothes (setakat ni ade 6 pairs, nak beli banyak2 pun terfikir balik yang baby ni cepat membesar. In case tak cukup, terpaksa la suruh hubby pergi beli lagi)
3)Milk bottles and brush
4)Baby wipes
5)Booties & mitten
6)Baby Hat
7)Baby towel
8)Diapers (some say"beli yang kecik je dulu, takut tak sesuai ngan kulit baby)
9)Baby powder, shower gel, shampoo and lotion. saya beli yang kecik jugak...Reason sama seperti diapers.
13)Cotsheet (tikar getah)
14)Baby Tub
15)Bakul letak baju baby
16)Kelambu Baby

Ada a few things lagi yang belum beli..
1)Minyak Yuyi
2)Baby binder/barut (ni mak cakap dia yang nak buat budget!)

Barang macam Baby cot, baby stroller,baby carrier rasanyer beli lepas pantang kot..Lagipun dalam berpantang, rase macam tak berapa guna lagi je benda ni. In fact, balik berpantang kat rumah mak.

Hm, ade lagi ke yang perlu beli eh?

Semua kat atas tu cuma barang2 baby saja, ibu baby punya barang pun ade jugak list. Here is my checklist for mother-to-be (it's me la!):
1)Maternity pads
2)Nursing bra & Nursing pads
3)Disposable panties
6)Set bersalin
7)Barut/traditional corset.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Welcome to my first blog post!

Being a full time graduated housewife make me have a lot of time for myself, my husband and my future baby. I Admitted sometime i get bored and that is why I was thinking to create a blog..So..By writing, perhaps it can stimulate my brain to do something creative, give comments and share ideas/info relating woman's life, marriage and children. But I guess most of my post will be something going on around me or can i say simply about me and hubby.Hahaha..